History has taught us that people, families, organizations and countries can come and go but the only thing that remains is the legacy of values that have been left behind by the founding generation.
It is nearly 70 years since CCC was established. With the entrepreneurial leadership and the business acumen of its founders, as well as the unrelenting dedication and loyalty of its employees, CCC nurtured a successful legacy worthy of appreciation. Despite the fluctuating and severe economic, social and political challenges that afflicted CCC’s regions of operations, the organization has been able to continuously overcome them with great proficiency, vigour and valour.
CCC has maintained its leadership role with the continuous commitment to excellence, loyalty and hard work of each and every member of the CCC family. The decisive factor all through the decades manifests itself in the set of unique cultural traits its employees and management have consistently adopted over the past decades. Industrious proficiency, unwavering loyalty, enduring dedication and respectful compassion are major ingredients of CCC familial cultural traits.
The strong cultural traits that CCC absorbed from our special familial background kept the internal social and economic fabric of our company resilient, while the external relationships remained sustainable under all circumstances.
The corporate values CCC has been practicing throughout its history set the ultimate guideline for organizational behavior and constitute the unique culture of the company. Guided by CCC’s distinctive culture the company manifests its long-term commitment on the basis of responsible growth and respect towards people and the environment. CCC’s values of nurturing human and business relationships create mutual strengths and shared value. Our corporate culture embodies a heightened sense of sensitivity and as a result, we believe that a responsible approach towards all our operations, our employees, clients, suppliers, local communities, the environment and society as a whole, is an essential part of our success. Our philosophy of long term sustainability in countries of operations is transmitted through the establishment of permanent offices and in-country area management who work together with local companies, governments and clients. We supply innovative solutions across the markets and industries around the world, by combining our immense construction and engineering expertise and experience gained over the last 65 years. CCC core family values and principles define the framework of our global operations.

- Integrity, Honesty & Reliability
- Trust, Transparency & Humility
- Sense of Belonging & Harmony for all Company Employees
- Fairness to all Stakeholders
- We Respect Hierarchy & Accountability
- We Aim to Be Second to None in All We Do
- Protecting Human Life is Our Goal
- We Encourage Innovation
- We Nourish Long-Term Relationships
- Our Staff is Our Greatest Asset
- Commitment to Preserve the CCC Family Culture
- Commitment to the Community
- Commitment to the Environment
- Commitment Towards Anti-Corruption
- Commitment to Change for the Better
- Appreciation of Our Staff
- Commitment to the Development of Future Generations
CCC maintains its global participation and memberships in international organizations and institutions.

The UN Global Compact is a leadership platform for the development, implementation, and disclosure of responsible and sustainable corporate policies and practices. Launched in July 2000, the platform seeks to align business operations and strategies everywhere with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. CCC became a signatory of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) on March 1, 2001, to streamline and align its business practices with the ten principles and report on them, as well as to build partnerships with various civil society organizations, and communities in developing corporate social responsibility initiatives and projects that will improve the wellbeing of communities in which it operates.

Launched in 2015, the SDG’s were introduced as the action plan of the transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 17 universal goals address urgent global challenges such as poverty, education, gender equality, water and energy use, climate change and sustainable economic growth. Recognizing that the private sector will determine the success of the SDGs, the UN has explicitly invited corporate actors to tackle these challenges with innovation and creativity.

The Pearl Initiative is an independent, non-profit institution working to influence and improve corporate accountability and transparency in the Arab world. It was established in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Partnership and launched in December 2011. CCC became a founding partner of the Initiative in April 2011 and supports its goals and activities, especially those that focus on implementing higher standards in areas such as corporate governance, anti-corruption, best practice and lessons learned in corporate social responsibility.

CCC is an industry affiliate to the World Economic Forum (WEF) which is an independent, non-profit organization that focuses its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Committed to improving the state of the world, the Forum believes that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change. It provides a platform for the world’s leading companies to shape a better future. Being an industry affiliate provides CCC with the opportunity to engage with select companies that are shaping and transforming their industries in strategic and socially responsible ways and who come together through forum-hosted platforms to provide leadership, define the industry agenda and initiate change.

The European Network of Construction Companies for Research and Development (ENCORD) is a network of active members from the construction industry, represented by decision-makers and executives working on research, development and innovation (R, D&I) and providing service to experts and the operational sides within the member companies. CCC’s participation in the “Council” (since 2007) demonstrates its commitment to advance the discussion on R&D priorities and the development of the construction sector.

CCC is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council (U.S.GBC) which is a private non-governmental organization that promotes sustainability in building design, construction, and operation. USGBC is committed to transforming how buildings are designed, constructed and operated, enabling an environmentally and social responsibility, healthy environments that improve the quality of life. It envisions that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation. CCC’s membership in the Council represents its commitment to be among the leaders in sustainable development, and a motivator of green building design for the sake of reducing negative impacts on human health and the environment of communities.

GBC Health serves as a hub for private sector engagement in the world’s most pressing global health issues. Since 2001, GBC Health has worked with hundreds of members – individually and in partnership with one another – to tackle the challenges of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, diabetes and other health issues facing the workplace and communities where the business is conducted.

Education for Employment is a non-governmental organization in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) with a mission to create economic opportunities for unemployed youth in the MENA. EFE helps young women and men through demand-driven training programs that link them to the world of work while creating opportunities for them to develop their professional skills, build social capital and engage in their communities. CCC helped to launch EFE and has partnered with it on various levels including providing them with program support, designing curriculum for training programs, and hiring EFE alumni in Palestine, Jordan, Yemen, and Tunisia. CCC also serves on EFE’s Global Board and MENA’s Region Board.