CCC Volunteers Clean Saronida Beach, Athens, Greece
On June 7th, fourteen CCC volunteers and their children cleaned Saronida beach. In two hours the volunteers collected all kinds of waste that could be very harmful for marine life and learned that by keeping their environment trash free they help protect and preserve marine life and that each individual can better the sea’s ecosystem by playing their part in keeping the beaches clean.
Marine life, dwelling in the water, are affected by waste on beaches. Plastic pollution alone affects 100 million marine mammals each year. When the tides rise, they collect items on the beach and take the items out when the water lowers, including trash which directly have negative effects on marine life.
In the two hours spent cleaning the beach, the volunteers collected around 783 harmful waste products such as cigarette butts, plastic packaging products and bottles, plastic cups and plates, paper, cans, and pieces of broken glass, among other harmful products that could trickle into the ocean and directly affect the marine life.